Series Resistance. GCP Series RESISTA. COMBU. Heater Unit. Temperature.
With ATC (Auto. With Manual Controls.
HVAC Blower Motor Resistor.
Fits 740, 940
1991. 1992-. 4DRS CH -195223, 5DRS CH -137566. 4DRS CH 195224-, 5DRS CH 137567-. 940 A.C. L.H.D 1991. L.H.D 1992-. L.H.D. R.H.D. R.H.D 1991. R.H.D 1991. R.H.D 1992-.
HVAC Blower Motor Resistor
If your heater fan or air conditioner blower on blows on high speed or low speed, you might have a failed blower motor resistor. Our technician can diagnose the fault in your 1991 Volvo 940 and take appropriate action.